I made an MS-DOS boot floopy, but when it loads, it gives me A:\ instead of C:\ and almost any command I type, it says "Bad command or file name".
When i use my bootable Win XP CD, i get error 7 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/812580)
I need to get to command prompt to fix my boot list, what are my options?
I need to recover my boot list?ireland
I need to recover my boot list?microsoft outlook internet explorer
What do you mean by "boot list?" If you're trying to change the boot order, you can do that in the BIOS. If you're booting to a floppy diskette, of course it's going to say A:\ because you are booted to the A:\ drive! And not many commands work because it is not an operating system. Use the DOS command "CD C:" (no quotes) while in the A:\ prompt. This will get you to the C: drive, and you can then do whatever it is you're trying to do. What ARE you trying to do?!
Do a dir /a:h to display hidden files on your floppy.
You should have these 3 hidden files:
If they are not there then copy them from a DOS prompt:
xcopy c:\boot.ini a: /h
xcopy c:\ntdetect.com a: /h
xcopy c:\ntldr a: /h
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