Sunday, April 25, 2010

Blue screeeeen!!?


OMG..this is like what..the 100th time this blue screen comes up? And to be frank, the computer programs last for about a week before I reformat it again.

This blue screen with the "Kernel_Stack_Inpage" error appears once or two times, and then the next time, it literally shuts off the computer and you can't log in to your hard drive at all. This is when I have to format the computer.

I seriously don't know what the reason is, and I tried to read this page,

but I didn't get a word. Can someone explain it in plain english? Like steps, what to do, etc. PLEASE!!you'd do me a huge favour!!!!!!!!

I am running Windows XP.

Blue screeeeen!!?windows vista

If you are formatting your harddrive and reinstalling windows xp, fresh, each time.. and you are 'still' having the same issues, then it is a hardware problem.

either its the harddrive or the memory or just a glitch in the chip or motherboard.

depending on where you got the computer, you might want to look into some warranty information. compaq and dell have maintenance prices that you can look into for repairs - or you can go to best buy and set someone up with a brand new computer for christmas.

i didn't go to the webpage you attached because it didn't work, but that wouldn't have mattered anyway. those help pages dont tell you much aside from different things to try - and i've installed operating systems for a living.. it gets old reeeal quick.

a blue screen happens when the software loses track of the hardware for whatever reason. most common are the memory faults. after that, is a dying harddrive. then all of the expensive components and the cost increases from there.

do yourself a favor and just buy a new computer. desktops are relatively affordable these days and you wont have to go without a computer for several days while it is shipped to and from whatever company you want to fix it.

Blue screeeeen!!?windows defender internet explorer

your computer has AIDS

thoughts and prayers

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