Sunday, April 25, 2010

Im trying to use remote desktop connection, but i can't find something in my registry, anyone c

I can't connect to my other computer with Remote Desktop Connection. it says if you are both using Windows XP (Service pack 2), u cant use this feature. but there's a hotfix, and a way to manually fix it, but as i follow the instructions on the site

2.In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following registry subkey:


3.In the details pane on the right, double-click DisableDFS. If the value in the Value data box is 1, the DFS client is disabled. If the value in the Value data box is 0, the DFS client is enabled.

I don't see a "DisableDFS" anywhere in that registry, anyone know.

Im trying to use remote desktop connection, but i can't find something in my registry, anyone can help me?microsoft powerpoint

Sometimes you have to create the key yourself. Generally the missing disable keys indicate something enabled by default (=0), but it couldn't hurt to add the key and set it.

The image looks exactly right. Restart, change it to 0, restart, test couldn't hurt. If it doesn't help, delete the key you added to be tidy.

Did you receive the error message MSKB quotes in red? The registry fix doesn't look hopeful for you.

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